Videos, Books, Slides, Vlogs, and more
Basic subscription will include:
1) all SMRT basic videos and textbooks, including head & neck; arm & hand; shoulder, axilla, ribcage, & upper back; hips, lower back, & abdomen; and lower extremities.
2) CEs for all video classes listed above.
3) basic SMRT textbooks may be downloaded one time. Videos cannot be downloaded.
4) shorter videos on individual SMRT moves (these videos do not carry CEs).
5) anatomy videos (these videos do not carry CEs).
6) movement videos (these videos do not carry CEs).
7) short vlogs about clients, specific issues, specific areas of the body, and anything else we think we want to add.
Advanced subscription will include:
1) everything in the basic subscription.
2) all advanced SMRT videos and workbooks, including advanced head & neck; advanced arm & hand; advanced shoulder, axilla, ribcage, & upper back; advanced hips, lower back, & abdomen; and advanced lower extremities.
3) 11 in depth, advanced assessment classes and slides for each class.
4) advanced SMRT workbooks and slides for assessment classes may be downloaded once. Videos cannot be downloaded.
5) CEs for all videos in 2) and 3).
6) additional advanced content videos and vlogs (these do not carry CEs).
7) and anything else we think will help you understand and treat clients, family, and/or yourself.
Subscriptions may be canceled at any time. If you cancel in the middle of a month that has been paid for, no refund will be made. Periodically, we will sell a limited number of lifetime memberships.
For customer service having to do with your connection or an inability to access videos or written material, please contact Nick Vehanen at [email protected]. If you have questions about technique on the videos, please email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Example Curriculum
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Video 1 (91:43)
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Video 2 (140:05)
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Video 3 (74:34)
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Textbook
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back textbook (downloadable)
- Basic SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back CE Exam
- Working the Clavicle (13:01)
- The Manubriosternal Joint Second Rib Posterior Scalene (12:31)
- Quick Shoulder Assessment (3:10)
- Quick Scapula Assessment (4:18)
- Advanced SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Video 1 (136:04)
- Advanced SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back Video 2 (123:10)
- Advanced SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back textbook
- Advanced SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back textbook (downloadable)
- Advanced SMRT Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage & Upper Back CE Exam
- Basic SMRT for Infraspinatus (6:45)
- SMRT Teres major (4:36)
- SMRT Teres minor (3:46)
- Basic SMRT Release for Obturator internus gemellus superior and gemellus inferior (8:12)
- Basic SMRT for Tensor fasciae latae (7:33)
- Basic SMRT Release for Gluteus maximus (5:36)
- Basic SMRT Release for Iliacus (6:34)
- Basic SMRT Release for Lattissimus dorsi (6:36)
- Basic SMRT Release for Serratus posterior inferior (3:20)
- Basic SMRT Release for the Erector spinae (7:26)